Manuscript guidelines
Manuscript Guidelines
The research must contain the following
First page
– Research title in Arabic and English for research written in Arabic
– Name of researcher/researchers
– Place of work (university, ministry, study center…) or address of the researcher’s organization with the name of the researcher’s country mentioned
– Email of the researcher in charge
Second page
– Research summary 150-250 words. In Arabic and English for research written in Arabic
And the summary in Arabic and English for articles in French
And the summary in Arabic and French for articles in English
– Keywords. At least 5 keywords are written in Arabic and 5 keywords in English
The research must be complete with academic elements and follow a solid style according to the following order
• – Introduction – Study problem – – Conclusion – Results – Recommendations – Sources and references – Appendices if any
Writing formats, figures and drawings
– The article must be written in correct language, taking care of the specifics of control and figures
– Follow the marginal method at the bottom of the pages as follows: Author’s name, book name, edition number, country of publication: publishing house, year of publication, p- The number of pages ranges between 15-25 pages. The formatted research is sent as a Microsoft Word file to the email