Mohammed Ibrahim Omer Osman

The raison of this paper is to establish the premise on how Business Administration impacted on devolving peace process globally. A universal and lasting peace can only be achieved if is based on Social Justice. This was reaffirmed in the Philadelphia Declaration after the Second World War, and again more recently with the adoption of recommendation 205 on “Employment and Decent Work for Peace and Resilience” in 2017. Access to Decent Work makes an essential contribution to peace and stability. It removes biggest obstacles to personal, family and community progress, and removes one of the heaviest grievances contributing to conflict and unrest. On the other hand, peace and stability are themselves job multipliers. They create circumstances in which the economy and society can flourish, jobs can be created, workers and employers can organize, and decency of work can be steadily improved, which in turn reinforces peace virtuous cycle. The main goals and objectives of Peace Building is usually involves restoring stability, improving people’s security and reducing levels of violence. In a longer term peace building aims to improve fair access to livelihood, justice, well-being, improve governance and social cohesion. Peace Building is incremental. Work on longer term goals can begin even while stability is being built or restored, and elements of peace can be built on a small scale even while the wider national picture remains unstable. Becausese of the importance of fairness and inclusion, peace building interventions are based on an understanding of both surface and underlying drivers of peace and conflict. For example, deeply held perceptions of structural unfairness and exclusion Interventions often include careful strategies to rebalance access to the benefits of peace across society, in terms of gender, age, ethnicity, class, caste, geographical and religious affiliation, and other social categories. The main method used during the analytical framework and structure begins the process with a snapshot of peace and conflicts trends and the impact of decent work in resolving it. Then Desk Review, Interviews and Focus Group Discussions (FGDs), Workshops, Triangulation, Participation, gender inclusion, Survey. The results of the whole work is showing that despite its growth, the NGOs and Multilateral Organizations still has a long way to go in actualizing the world target of fair sharing of the economy and prosperity among the global citizens in particular decent works for all as it is mentioned in the Sustainable Development Goals (SDG). The NGOs and the Multilateral Organizations since its inception is still struggling to grow and expand its outreach to least financially challenged segments of society and improved total inclusion. The outreach of this sector in terms of breadth and depth is unsatisfactory as it is still unable to serve a huge portion of the economically excluded target population. Although the NGOs and Multilateral Organizations are doing well to attain the objective of the SDG in relation to providing decent work for all the sector is still financially unstable which is attributable to its reliance on conventional sources of funding The major stakeholders still faces several endogenous as well as exogenous challenges from its environment which obstructs its growth. The stakeholders are focusing on developing an effective policy framework for more gender inclusion and penetration. The NGOs and Multilateral Organizations activities are largely concentrated in urban areas. The reluctance of this sector to adopt innovation to reach end-users presents an obstacle to the growth of this sector and it is responsible for operational.

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