Les relations Maroc-Union européenne : étude analytique et prospective
Dr.Rafik Naimi
Les relations Maroc-Union européenne : étude analytique et prospective
Dr.Rafik Naimi
Enseignant chercheur
Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Economiques et Sociales d’Oujda,
Laboratoire d’Etudes et de Recherches Juridiques Administratives et Politiques
Université Mohamed Premier-maroc
Morocco is a country historically open to international trade, particularly with the countries of the European Union. Indeed, upon its accession to independence in 1956, Morocco made the choice to turn politically and economically towards the European continent. Thus, a first agreement was signed on March 31, 1969 in Rabat relating to commercial relations. Subsequently, agreements between the two partners multiplied. The high point was crystallized by the 1996 association agreement, also called the Barcelona process. However, the attacks of September 11, 2001 led European countries to review the terms of their partnerships with Mediterranean countries. Which gave birth to the European Neighborhood Policy in 2003. As this policy focused on the security of the countries of the European Union, Morocco requested that the partnership with Europe be more intense, stronger, and which would favor its own economic interests. After several Adhoc meetings, Morocco and the EU countries were able to find a new agreement called the Advanced Status, concluded in 2007. Despite the importance of this agreement, and given the economic dynamics in which it is is registered, Morocco wanted to amplify its partnership, but this time, by opening up more to Africa.