African Philosophy and Agency in the Application of the Universal Human Rights Principles: A Legal Perspective

Nattabi Patricia Kirumira

African Philosophy and Agency in the Application of the Universal Human Rights Principles: A Legal Perspective

Nattabi Patricia Kirumira
PhD student, International Law, School of Law, Xiamen University, PRC, China



The African approaches to human rights, while varying in form, substance, and application across the continent, are represented in and are shaped by reactions and interactions to dynamic historical, political, cultural, and economic factors. These are seen both in domestic and global movements, decolonization, Pan-Africanism, democracy, and the overarching regime of the international human rights system under the United Nations system. The African human rights system gives an illustrative and pioneering example through which value and moral systems have been built but also still pose challenges to the conceptualization of human rights. On the one hand, the traditionalist approach tries to maintain, preserve, and reflect the African identity and history, on the other hand competing with the progressive, forward-looking outlook

with its developmentalist character, that allows growth and expansion through theory and law

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