Chinese Approaches to Human Rights: From Political and Legal Perspectives

Xiuli Han

Chinese Approaches to Human Rights: From Political and Legal Perspectives

Xiuli Han
Prof. Dr., International Law; Vice Dean, School of Law, Xiamen University
Associate Director, Africa Research Center, Xiamen University;  China

Abstract: Chinese enjoyment of human rights is more and more realistic based on its law, economy and policy. As a developing country, China respects and realizes national human rights obligations not only through developing economy and social well-being, but also laws in various human rights aspects. Chinese human rights model has its special sources which have determined the uniqueness of Chinese human rights model. The core contents of human rights in China show the combination of political nature and legal nature. Chinese treatment of extraterritorial human rights ideology, Chinese international expression of viewpoints and approaches to human rights, and Chinese ratification and application of international human rights treaties are in the process of development. It is helpful for international society to give an objective evaluation of Chinese characteristic human rights development. To certain degree, the existence and development of the Chinese human rights model has offered meaningful contributions to the development of human rights in the world

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