Covid-19 et Droits de l’homme : une approche juridico-épidémiologique
Covid-19 et Droits de l’homme : une approche juridico-épidémiologique
Covid-19 and human rights : a legal-epidemiological approach
Docteur en Sciences Juridiques, spécialité Droits de l’Homme et Sciences de la sécurité
Université Mohammed Premier, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Économiques et Sociales, Oujda
Docteur en Sciences Juridiques, spécialité Géopolitique et Sciences de la sécurité
Université Mohammed Premier, Faculté des Sciences Juridiques, Économiques et Sociales, Oujda
From a legal standpoint, the COVID-19 pandemic brought significant challenges to the balance between public health imperatives and the protection of human rights. Governments worldwide invoked emergency powers and adopted exceptional measures, such as lockdowns, quarantine mandates, and travel restrictions, under the justification of protecting public health. While these measures are legally permissible under international human rights law, such as the International Covenant on Civil and Political Rights (ICCPR), they must meet strict criteria: necessity, proportionality, and time-bound implementation. However, many states violated these principles by enacting measures that disproportionately curtailed fundamental rights. Instances included restrictions on freedom of movement, expression, and assembly, often without adequate legal safeguards or oversight. In some cases, emergency powers were misused to silence dissent, impose excessive surveillance, or limit the right to privacy.
Economic and social rights, guaranteed under the International Covenant on Economic, Social and Cultural Rights (ICESCR), were also undermined. Vulnerable populations faced inequities in accessing healthcare, housing, and social protections, raising concerns about non-discrimination and equality before the law. The pandemic underscored the need for a human rights-based legal framework to guide public health responses, ensuring accountability, protecting vulnerable groups, and upholding the rule of law during global crises.
Key words : COVID-19 Pandemic ; Human Rights ; Public Health ; Menace ; Legal-epidemiological approach
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